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sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011


Text by Sarah Assemany
Wofford College

Our third day of our Brussels excursion was definitely an exciting one!  We started off the day by going to an Exposition on American History entitled, America: It´s our history too.  While the three of us are pretty knowledgeable on American history, the exposition was interesting because it provided a European perspective of American History.  We didn´t agree with all of the interpretations of history, but it was fun to see how Europeans view our history.  While America definitely has its own unique culture it is important to remember that the American culture and/or history is a mixture of various cultures around the world.  This trip was an enlightening one for me because it put American history into perspective for me.
Then, we went to Magritte Museum showcasing the work of Rene Margritte.  I thought that the museum was going to be extremely small since it was dedicated to solely one artist, but I was surprised to find that the museum held numerous pieces.  I couldn´t believe how much work one artist had completed in a single lifetime.  The pieces were all very fun and innovative; each piece allowed you to create your own interpretation of what the artist was trying to say.  It was definitely the kind of art I like to look at because each piece left you with a different emotion.
And, with each day in Brussels we experienced the culture through trying the local food.  Although the waistband of my pants aren’t going to feel so great these next couple of weeks, trying all of the food Belgium has to offer was definitely worth it.  If you are a chocolate lover, Brussels/Belgium is the place to be!  Brussels is known for its chocolate, waffles, and beer.  Aside, from stuffing myself with chocolate, waffles, and even chocolate waffles, I enjoyed the beauty of the city and making the most of the cultural venues that Brussels has to offer.

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